Let's take some time to have fun and make Something Beautiful!
"Painting Furniture in Nature"
Learn how to paint furniture! I'll teach you everything you need to know from choosing a color, prepping a piece, painting, specialty finishes such as transfers, stencils and moulds to finishing it. This class is ideal for novice and intermediate painters who want to learn how to paint furniture in a serene and natural setting and use only natural, Environmentally Friendly and Non-Toxic products that look great and lasts! This class will be offered in a group (3hrs) and will include all the materials. * You only bring a small piece of furniture. It will be a small setting of 4 ladies maximum, so there is plenty of one-on-one instruction and hands on assistance. Classes are held under a covered patio deck in a beautiful 5 acre setting under Oak trees and leaves that fall naturally from the breeze. A light snack and wine to unwind will be provided. This is a place where women can come together and connect with nature, make new friends, create and re-energize while you get inspired to create something from somewhere and make it beautiful!
* Group Classes are every Saturday from 11:00AM - 2:00 PM
Located in Palm City Farms @ Wisdom Woods Farm
If you are interested please message me or call to reserve your spot. 786.301.2839
*Private and group classes available*